[2015] A new method for accidental limit states design of thin-walled structures subjected to hydrocarbon explosion loads > Selected Papers

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[2015] A new method for accidental limit states design of thin-walled …

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Author Admin 작성일15-07-03 15:41 Hit18,531 Count Comments0 Count


Ships and Offshore Structures
Published online: 03 Jul 2015

A new method for accidental limit states design of thin-walled structures subjected to hydrocarbon explosion loads

Author(s): Jerzy Czujko  & Jeom Kee Paik



Design requirements for offshore platform topsides include the assessment of their structural resistance to gas explosions. The design is normally based on loads derived from complex computer fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Dimensioning and design explosion loads for topsides are defined based on probabilistic models of loads, which take into account installation and environmental uncertainties. Design standards and functional specifications from platform operators require that structural safety be implemented and inherent structural robustness documented during the design phase of topsides. This paper presents a reliability-based robustness assessment method for structures designed using accidental limit states to resist hydrocarbon explosion loads. The applicability of the new method is demonstrated by calculation of probability of damage and structural robustness of explosion-resisting walls designed for topsides of offshore platforms.

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