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[2020] Residual stresses distribution in long seam-welded offshore cat…
최고관리자 | 21-02-25 17:36
Ships and Offshore Structures, published: Mar 2020


Residual stresses distribution in long seam-welded offshore catenary riser of high-manganese steel

Author(s) : Myung Su Yi, Jung Kwan Seo, Jung Min Sohn, Bong Suk Jang

Abstract : In recent years, oil and gas pipes and risers in deep sea reservoirs are required to have high resistance to collapse. This paper reports the comprehensive investigation of the residual stress distributions in a recently developed seam-welded offshore gas transmission riser of high-strength steel. Experimental hole drilling methods are applied to understand the residual stress distribution in the real scaled riser. Then, FE modelling on double-V groove is performed for a systematic parametric residual stress analysis of the riser components with consideration of parameters including the ratio of component radius to wall thickness (r/t), joint preparation, pass size, and heat input. Through the use of a residual stress decomposition technique, the thickness-through-thickness residual stress is partitioned into membrane and bending stresses. According to the results of the parametric study, a method for prediction of residual stress in circumferential direction is developed based on simplified empirical formulas for existing riser configurations with varying welding conditions.