A Probabilistic Corrosion Rate Estimation Model for Longitudinal Strength Members of Tanker Structures
Author(s): J.K. Paik, A.K. Thayamballi and Y.I. Park
Abstract:The twin aims of the present study are to develop a PC based computer software for the analysis of the corrosion damage data and to suggest a probabilistic corrosion rate estimation model for longitudinal strength members of tanker structures. A data analysis and interpolation scheme for the corrosion rate statistics (i.e., mean, standard deviation) as a function of the corrosion parameters is in this study established for various structural member categories/locations of interest. Development of the computer software has been focused on possible operation together with future addition of more corrosion damage data as they become available. In this study, the tanker cross-section is divided by different member categories. Large sized members are further subdivided. To investigate the influence of the corrosion protection scheme, a series of the corrosion analysis varying the life of coating are carried out, and several different corrosion models as a function of time are suggested depending on the coating life. Insights developed in this study are summarized, and the corrosion data collected are documented.